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Jim McCormack Editor in Chief Law Office of James M. McCormack Austin, Texas
Rule 5.03, Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct, provides the relevant ethical obligation for a lawyer’s training and supervision of non-lawyer staff. The Rule states:With respect to a non-lawyer employed or retained by or associated with a lawyer:(a) a lawyer having direct su…
Consumer and commercial law has seen much of its development in the last three or four decades. Prior to World War II, the incurring of debt (and debt financing) was viewed as a stigma (i.e., if a person was not able to pay cash, then borrowing money was frowned upon and the transaction w…
1.1 Ultimate Source of the RulesThe Supreme Court of Texas promulgates the Rules by Court order.1.2 New Rule ProcessMost often, a committee appointed by either the State Bar of Texas or the Supreme Court originates drafts of new rules or revisions to existing rules. In the most recent rul…
The legal profession has changed significantly over the last several decades. Among those changes has been the increased mobility of lawyers from law firm to law firm. In prior generations, many lawyers—though certainly not all--remained at the same firm for virtually th…