Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure Back to Outline
(Tex. R. Disciplinary P., reprinted in Tex. Govt Code Ann,. tit. 2, subtit. G app. (Vernon Supp. 1995)
In addition to the other disciplinary duties set forth in these rules, the Chief Disciplinary Counsel shall:
A. Review and screen all information coming to his or her attention or to the attention of the Commission relating to lawyer misconduct. Such review may encompass whatever active investigation is deemed necessary by the Chief Disciplinary Counsel independent of the filing of a writing.
B. Reject all matters and Inquiries not constituting a Complaint and so advise the Complainant.
C. Investigate Complaints to ascertain whether Just Cause exists. The investigation may include the issuance of subpoenas, an investigatory hearing, and the entry of a negotiated judgment by an Investigatory Panel.
D. Recommend dismissal of a Complaint, if appropriate, to a Summary Disposition Panel of appropriate venue.
E. Move the Board of Disciplinary Appeals to transfer a pending Disciplinary Proceeding from one Committee to another within the same District if the Committee fails or refuses to hear the Disciplinary Proceeding.
F. Move the Board of Disciplinary Appeals to transfer matters from one Committee to another, whether or not within the same District, when the requirements of fairness to the Complainant or the Respondent require.
G. Represent the Commission in all Complaints, Disciplinary Proceedings and Disciplinary Actions in which the Commission is the client.
H. When information regarding a Complaint becomes eligible for public disclosure under these rules, refer a Complaint and information related thereto to any other professional organizations or bodies that he or she deems appropriate for consultation on the nature of the Complaint, the events giving rise to the Complaint, and the proper manner of resolution of the Complaint. The Chief Disciplinary Counsel shall provide the Respondent written notice of the referral at the time it is made. Neither the Chief Disciplinary Counsel nor any person or body acting under these rules is bound by any recommendation of another professional organization to which the Complaint or related information is referred under this Rule.
I. Present cases to Evidentiary Panels of Committees, or in a district court if such has been elected by the Respondent, as provided in these rules, unless disqualified from doing so under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct.
J. Represent the Commission, if the need arises, before all courts and administrative bodies.
K. Notify the Respondent and the Complainant promptly of the disposition of each Complaint.
L. Upon receiving information of a violation of any term or condition of probation by an attorney suspended from the practice of law where all or any part of the suspension has been probated, file on behalf of the Commission a motion to revoke probation. The motion must state the terms or conditions of the probation and the conduct alleged to violate the same. The Chief Disciplinary Counsel shall cause a copy of the motion to be served on the attorney involved.
M. Perform such other duties relating to disciplinary and disability matters as may be assigned by the Commission.
Texas Rules of Disciplinary Procedure. § 5.02, (Texas Center for Legal Ethics, 2025) from https://legalethicstexas.com/resources/rules/texas-rules-of-disciplinary-procedure/duties/ (last visited Mar 14, 2025)