While most attorneys believe that civility is a good thing, many don’t believe that civility can or should be mandated by state bar organizations. In this program, we’ll talk with an expert who believes that mandatory civility codes do work. We’ll discuss the benefits of mandatory civility codes and address the most common objections to implementing them.
David Grenardo, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Professor, University of St. Thomas School of LawModerator:
Jonathan Smaby, Austin, Texas
Executive Director, Texas Center for Legal EthicsIn this program, we’ll be talking with lawyers from the Chief Disciplinary Counsel’s office about the lawyer disciplinary system, including the Ethics Helpline that provides free ethics guidance to Texas lawyers. We’ll also discuss why lawyers get disciplined, how lawyers can avoid trouble, and why most grievances do not result in any disciplinary action.
Seana Willing, Austin, Texas
Chief Disciplinary Counsel, State Bar of TexasJennifer Ibarra, Austin, Texas
Grievance Referral Program Attorney, State Bar of TexasKim Buser, Austin, Texas
Ethics Helpline attorney, State Bar of TexasModerator:
Jonathan Smaby, Austin, Texas
Executive Director, Texas Center for Legal Ethics