How much do you know about the State Commission on Judicial Conduct?
How much do you know about the State Commission on Judicial Conduct? The Commission recently posted its 2024 Annual Report on its website, which contains extensive information about the Commission’s work during fiscal year 2024. The answers to the following questions can be found in that report.
A. The Texas Constitution
B. The Texas Government Code
C. The Texas Code of Judicial Conduct
D. All of the above
2. What is the makeup of the 13-member Commission?
A. Six judges, two attorneys, and five public members
B. Five Judges, five attorneys, and three public members
C. Four Judges, four attorneys, and five public members
D. Three judges, six attorneys, and four public members
3. What judges are subject to the Commission?
A. All state and federal judges in Texas
B. All state court judges in Texas
C. All state court judges except Justices of the Supreme Court
D. All sitting state court judges, except retired and former judges who sit by assignment.
4. How many judges in the state of Texas are subject to the Commission?
A. 3,267
B. 3,581
C. 3,973
D. 4,237
5. True or false? Complaints against a judge can be made anonymously.
6. True or false? By law, the identity of a known complainant must be kept confidential if the complainant requests it.
7. Commission records may be subject to public inspection under:
A. The Texas Public Information Act (formerly the Texas Open Records Act)
B. The Freedom of Information Act
C. Both
D. Neither
8. Which of the following remedies may be imposed by the Commission for judicial misconduct?
A. Removal of a judge from the bench
B. Removal of a judge from a specific case in which the misconduct occurred
C. Sanctioning of a judge
D. All of the above
9. True or false? The Commission may initiate an investigation based on media reports or information obtained via the internet.
10. Who may file a complaint against a Texas judge?
A. Attorneys only
B. Attorneys and anyone who is the victim or target of the alleged misconduct.
C. Anyone with firsthand knowledge of the alleged misconduct.
D. All of the above and anyone else who believes a judge has committed malpractice.
11. How many complaints against judges were resolved in fiscal year 2024?
A. 712
B. 979
C. 1,135
D. 1,408
12. What percentage of those complaints resulted in disciplinary action?
A. 4%
B. 11%
C. 16%
D. 21%
Correct responses: 1(D), 2(A), 3(B), 4(C), 5(true), 6(false), 7(D), 8(C), 9(true), 10(D), 11(C), 12(A). To view the Commission’s 38-page Annual Report, go to .