Showing 11-20 of 73 articles
Can you respond to negative online reviews written by clients?
359 Answers 56% Correct
What happens when the judge calls?
155 Answers 30% Correct
When an attorney notices that another attorney’s substance abuse issues may be affecting their ability to practice law, do the ethics rules require them to do anything about it?
208 Answers 30% Correct
Can lawyers departing a law firm to join another law firm take firm documents with them to the new firm?
250 Answers 35% Correct
Can you use information provided by a prospective client against the person, even if they have been warned not to provide confidential information until an attorney/client relationship has been established?
217 Answers 17% Correct
What can you say about your clients when negotiating a lateral move to a new firm?
246 Answers 30% Correct
Can pro bono work cause conflicts for you and your law firm?
219 Answers 10% Correct
When a lawyer has a conflict, do any other lawyers in the firm have one, too?
245 Answers 44% Correct
What are your obligations when dealing with a suicidal client?
224 Answers 40% Correct
How much do you know about attorney wellness?
51 Answers 100% Correct