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Faculty: Audrey Moorehead

Ethics With A Legend - A Conversation With Former Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan Hecht

60 minutes
CLE Hours:

We are excited to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Texas Center for Legal Ethics with a special gift for all Texas attorneys!

Course Description

To mark this milestone anniversary, we have produced a CLE program featuring the Center’s Board of Trustees Chair, Judge Audrey Moorehead and distinguished former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Texas, the Honorable Nathan L. Hecht. This interview gives insight into Chief Justice Hecht’s upbringing, and his journey from being a farmer’s son in Clovis, New Mexico to being the longest serving member of the Supreme Court in Texas history. Judge Moorehead leads the conversation by asking profound and engaging questions of this respected leader of the Texas justice system.

As a celebratory gift from the Center, this CLE is approved for one hour of ethics MCLE credit.

We appreciate your support of the Center for the past thirty-five years and look forward to continuing to provide stellar ethics CLE’s to the lawyers of Texas. Click on the link below to sign up for this gift.


The Texas Center for Legal Ethics Board of Trustees and Staff


This course is applicable within any legal specialty.

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