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Opinion 549

Question Presented

May a lawyer representing a workers’ compensation claimant in a third-party action collect a contingent fee from the client based on the gross recovery, part of which is required to be paid to the workers’ compensation carrier?

The question presented is illustrated by the following example. Walter Worker is injured in the course and scope of his employment by ABC Corporation and receives $50,000.00 in workers’ compensation benefits. Worker employs Lawyer A to file suit against a negligent third-party and agrees to pay Lawyer A one-third of the amount recovered from such third-party. Walter Worker’s suit against the third party is settled for $100,000.

Lawyer A proposes to disburse funds from the settlement to Worker as follows:
Total settlement with third-party defendant $100,000 Less Lawyer A’s fee, one-third of the gross settlement $ 33,333 Less Reimbursement to workers’ compensation carrier $ 50,000 Disbursement to Walter Worker $ 16,667.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 549 (2003)