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Opinion 613

Question Presented

Under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct, may a lawyer, who has been retained by an insurance company to represent an insured person in a case that is settled based on the insurance company’s transfer of funds to the lawyer for the other party, provide, without the consent of the other party’s lawyer, written notice to the other party of the settlement payment as strongly encouraged by the Texas Department of Insurance?

A lawyer is retained by an insurance company as defense counsel in a matter in which the claimant is represented by another lawyer. The terms of the settlement of the matter require that the insurance company issue a check for the settlement amount to the claimant’s lawyer. As strongly encouraged by a bulletin issued by the Texas Department of Insurance, the lawyer retained by the insurance company proposes to provide written notice of the payment directly to the claimant at the same time the settlement check is sent to the claimant’s lawyer.

Bluebook Citation

Tex. Comm. On Professional Ethics, Op. 613 (2011)